Last Tuesday my wife Teri and I took our daughter Cassie to the Thanksgiving Point Gardens. No matter how many times I drive to unknown places, I never seem to learn that printing out directions is always a good idea. I thought to myself, how hard can it be to find the gardens? Apparently, with me as chief navigator, it can be difficult. It turns out it is on the far edge of Thanksgiving Point, further west of the golf course and nowhere near the main buildings and movie theater. We found it eventually and with the only injury being my pride for navigation.
Thanksgiving Point is the home of the largest man-made waterfall in North America! It was pretty cool to see from below, and even cooler to see from above.

There is a Koi pond with a vending machine to buy food to feed the gluttonous fish. Unfortunately, I emptied my pockets of my loose change right before we left the house and Teri had left her purse in the car. I almost cried, but she promised if I was a big boy and behaved I would get a treat later.

Our daughter slept pretty much the entire time we were walking around. Here she is sleeping with her mouth open just like her dad! Don't ask me why the picture is upside-down.

Pretty flowers!

I highly recommend going to the gardens at least once. We were there for probably an hour or an hour and a half and we only saw 20-percent of the gardens. You can also rent a segway scooter or a golf cart if you don't want to walk the entire garden. I'm definitely going to get a segway sometime because I've always wanted to ride one. You can check out more information at if you want.
I think the waterfall, the fish, and especially the baby are all beautiful!!!