Sunday, August 16, 2009

Yoda's Dyslexic Wife Soda

So, I've always imagined that Yoda must have had relatives that you never had a chance to get to know in the Star Wars movies. His wife, for example, was probably dyslexic. I imagine an exchange would go something like this:

Soda: "I'm heading to the store."
Yoda: "To the store I head."
Soda: "That's what I said."
Yoda: "What I said that is."
Soda: "Stop correcting my sentences."
Yoda: "Weird ways you talk Soda."
Soda: "I hate you Yoda!"
Yoda: "Annoying you are."

And at that point Yoda probably had to kill Soda even though she was the only other member of his race left. It was a steep price to pay, but sometimes your woman drives you crazy and you have to take a lightsaber to her to get some peace and quiet....or something like that.

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